Parent Tips
Parenting is the most toughest of all the professions in the world as it involves a great amount of discretion. There is no one standard rule for all children. Different children may need different levels of attention, expression of love, and toughness. A true parenting is infact a personalized art. It demands a lot of customization. However, here are a few broad guidelines that help oneself to be a great parent.

Nevertheless, no school can work well for children if parents and teachers do not act in partnership on behalf of the children’s best interests. Parents have every right to understand what is happening to their children at school, and teachers have the responsibility to share that information without prejudicial judgment…. Such communication, which can only be in a child’s interest, is not possible without mutual trust between parent and teacher.
Listening skills are the basis of communication. When you assume the role of active listener, you’re communicating to whoever is speaking that you’ve heard him/her correctly, understood what he/she said, and that you care. During a parent-teacher conference, for example, always maintain good eye contact. Make sure you’re not distracted or restless; instead concentrate on what the teacher is saying.
It’s also important to let the other person know you understand what they’re saying. Try to listen and rephrase what the teacher says to you. By restating her words with words of your own, you verify that you’re listening and make sure you understand what he/she is saying. Be sure to ask questions to ensure that you completely understand the teacher’s point of view.
It’s also important to let the other person know you understand what they’re saying. Try to listen and rephrase what the teacher says to you. By restating her words with words of your own, you verify that you’re listening and make sure you understand what he/she is saying. Be sure to ask questions to ensure that you completely understand the teacher’s point of view.
It’s vital to establish rapport with your child’s teacher. But how do you handle situations that result in angry feelings? The key is keeping the lines of communication open. There are ways to cope with angry feelings that can help you keep control of yourself and the situation. First of all, recognize that you’re angry. Take a breath to regain control. Try to understand what you and the teacher are feeling and put these feelings into words. Control your reaction and give yourself time before you reply. One of the ways to maintain control is by recognizing your flash points, the kinds of issues or situations that especially bother you.
During upsetting and difficult times, you can help your children cope by letting them know you support and care about them. First of all, tell the truth. Don’t ignore the situation or pretend there’s nothing wrong. Avoid unrealistic assurances. Listen to what your child is saying, and help him/her express his/her feelings and worries.
Keep in constant contact with your child’s teachers so you can connect what’s going on at school with what’s going on at home. Play and creative activities are excellent outlets for a child to express her innermost thoughts and fears. Imaginative play, water play, and finger paint help children express feelings and relieve stress. Try not to overreact to tears or other upset behavior. Crying brings relief and it’s helpful to your child.
Keep in constant contact with your child’s teachers so you can connect what’s going on at school with what’s going on at home. Play and creative activities are excellent outlets for a child to express her innermost thoughts and fears. Imaginative play, water play, and finger paint help children express feelings and relieve stress. Try not to overreact to tears or other upset behavior. Crying brings relief and it’s helpful to your child.
Daily routines provide wonderful opportunities for your child to learn more about himself/herself, the world, and other people. Daily routines offer children a sense of stability and a feeling of caring from their parents. Be sure that these routines are responsive to the individual needs of each of your children.
The way you handle daily routines is especially important for younger ones. Be sensitive to your child’s cues and talk to him, even though he may not be speaking yet. Establish routines that are based on your child’s needs and try not to rush through daily tasks.
There comes a point in almost every baby’s life when she feels very strongly about being left by her parent. Often referred to as “separation anxiety,” your child might sob frantically and seem inconsolable when separating from you. Your handling of separation anxiety is very important for your child’s emotional well-being. Be sure to assure her with calm words and affection that you will return. Establish appropriate routines and responses that help your child overcome her fears. Security objects such as toys or stuffed animals can help her feel comfortable.
Children prefer plain, familiar food they can eat with their fingers. It’s important that snacks vary from day to day and that snacks, drinks, and desserts are nutritious. Children eat at their own pace. Some children eat more than others do. Eating should be a shared and cooperative experience with foods served family style. Mealtimes are opportunities for your children to be independent by making choices about foods.
Toilet-training, and self-toileting, your child will learn about her body, social customs, gender differences, and personal hygiene. It’s important to convey a positive attitude to your child, being careful not to shame or humiliate her. Be sure to emphasize hand washing as a consistent part of the toilet routine.
Your child decides whether or not he/she sleeps, but you can create a relaxed environment. Sometimes it’s hard for children to relax. You can help your child by setting a daily routine that is quiet, calm, and consistent. Try to create a restful mood by reading quietly, playing soothing music, and rubbing your child’s back.
Every parent hopes that their children are developing a positive sense of self-worth. How your children feel about themselves is one of your greatest responsibilities and biggest challenges.
Every parent hopes that their children are developing a positive sense of self-worth. How your children feel about themselves is one of your greatest responsibilities and biggest challenges.
Hope you all stand for it!