What transportation options are available for students to get to and from school?
School bus is available
Is there a school bus service available, and if so, what are the routes and schedules?
You can check the routes & timings - mentioned on our school website -
How do I sign up for the school bus service, and what are the associated fees, if any?
Please get in touch with the school for information on this
Are there alternative transportation options for students who don't use the school bus?
No, we do not have any alternative transport facility.
Are there designated drop-off and pick-up areas for students who are driven to school?
Yes , school will inform you about this during your visit to school
Are there any safety measures or protocols in place for students using school transportation services?
Yes , the school transport staff are trained & will be part of the training programs to ensure safety & security of students.
How can I report any concerns or issues related to school transportation services?
You can meet the School administration / meet the transport In charge / Post your query in Write to School on the Student portal
How can I get in touch with someone if I have questions or need assistance regarding transportation
You can meet the School Admin Team / meet the Transport In charge / post your concern in Write to School on the Student Portal
Teaching and Learning
What teaching methods and approaches are used at the school?
Active learning strategies & experiential learning. The school is affiliated to CBSE Board
Can I learn about the qualifications and experience of the teaching staff?
Our educators are qualified with the educational qualifications required for their profile and have continuous professional development sessions conducted periodically.
How does the school support student engagement and participation in the learning process?
The learning in the classroom is activity-based, ensures student engagement.
Can I access resources or materials to support my learning outside of the classroom?
You will be getting the resources in the student learning portal shared by the school
Are there any opportunities for hands-on or experiential learning?
The classroom learning is activity-based, ensuring experiential learning at each grade level.
Are there any technology tools or resources integrated into teaching and learning?
Yes we have integrated it into our regular practice
How can I get in touch with someone if I have questions or need assistance regarding teaching and learning at the school?
You can visit the school and meet the Academic Coordinator / School head to know more about teaching and learning.
What types of assessments are used at the school to measure student progress?
Formative & Summative assessments
Can I learn about the grading system and criteria used for assessments?
You can visit the school and meet the Academic Coordinator / School head to learn more about criteria-based assessment strategies.
How often are assessments conducted throughout the school year?
It is conducted ongoing part of the learning , we have 2 summative assessments.
Can I access past assessment results or grades through the school's online portal?
Yes , you can
Are there any standardized tests or exams that students are required to take?
The student needs to appear for the Skill Based competency test before admission is confirmed.
Can I receive feedback or guidance on how to improve my child’s performance on assessments?
Yes, certainly will be given periodically in Parent Teacher Meet
Are there any accommodations or support services available for students who may need assistance during assessments?
During assessment, it will not be given. However, understanding the child what needs to be planned, the school will look into it.
How does the school ensure fairness and accuracy in assessments?
The school has a centralized academic department who over sees and also periodically audits the School functioning wrt academics
Are there any opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning through alternative assessment methods, such as projects or presentations?
Yes, they are part of assessment structure.
What subjects are included in the school's curriculum?
Primary Level - English , Math , EVS , Language
Middle School - English , Math , EVS , Language 1,2,3
Secondary - English, Math , General Sciences, Social Sciences, Language 1,2,3
Middle School - English , Math , EVS , Language 1,2,3
Secondary - English, Math , General Sciences, Social Sciences, Language 1,2,3
Can I see a detailed overview of the curriculum for [specific grade/level]?
This can be discussed further when you meet the School Admissions Team
How often is the curriculum updated or revised to reflect changes in educational standards or best practices?
We adapt the best practices, it changes every 3 years.
Are there any opportunities for interdisciplinary learning or project-based coursework?
Yes, we have the learning is designed to cater to this aspect
How does the curriculum promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and other essential skills?
Curriculum planning & execution is planned around these skills.
Are there any experiential learning field trips, integrated into the curriculum?
Yes we have it across the year
Can I get information about the assessments and evaluations used to measure student progress within the curriculum?
Ongoing assessments- periodic tests along with 2 summative assessments
Are there any special programs or initiatives for students with diverse learning needs or abilities?
No specific programs, however the class activities are designed to have differentiated learning opportunities.
How does the curriculum incorporate technology and digital resources into teaching and learning?
It is very much part of the teaching and learning process.
How can I get in touch with someone if I have questions or need assistance regarding the curriculum?
You can contact the School Administration / meet the Academic coordinator/ School Principal
Security Safety
What measures does the school have in place to ensure the safety and security of students and staff?
We have monitoring personnel, CCTV cameras & vigilant Security Guards in place
Can I access information about safety drills and training sessions conducted at the school?
Yes can be checked on the school website
Are there any safety initiatives or programs in place to promote a safe and inclusive school environment?
Yes the students and staff will have sessions , to make them aware and promote a healthy safe learning environment.
How do you address bullying in the school?
The school has a committee headed by the School Head & Counsellors, who will address this.
How does the school address cybersecurity for students?
The school has a committee headed by the School Head & It Dept, who will address this.
Can I get information about transportation safety for students who use school buses or other transportation services?
You can visit the School Website / meet the admin dept at school to know about transportation safety.
Are there any safety measures in place for extracurricular activities, field trips, or off-campus events?
School takes necessary safety measures, when a student is taken on off-campus events
What is the admission fee?
Admission fee is the Non refundable amount, which is Rs 5,000/-
Term fees are?
Terms fees are payable in 3 terms in 1 academic year. Fee structure - can be checked after you do an online inquiry – on our website
What are the tuition fees for [specific program/grade/level]?
Please do an online inquiry / visit the school to know more specific information about school fees.
Can you provide a breakdown of the tuition fees, including any additional charges or fees?
We do not charge any extra additional charges, all the activities & facilities of the school are included in the term fees.
How and when do I need to pay my tuition fees?
You need to pay the tuition fees in 3 terms for 1 Academic Year
Are there any payment plans or options available to help spread out the cost of tuition?
No, we do not have this facility.
Are there any additional fees for extracurricular activities, field trips, or other school events?
We do not charge any extra additional charges , all the activities & facilities of school are included in the term fees. However if the field trip is planned out of station / out of country - teh cost needs to be borme by the parent.
Can I request a fee waiver or reduction based on financial need?
Nothing in specific as such, however please visit school to discuss in person on this.
Are there any late payment penalties or consequences for missing a tuition payment deadline?
Yes, however the school will send reminders for payment of fees & contact the parent before charging this late fee, to understand why the parent was not able to pay.
Is there a refund policy in place for tuition fees if I need to withdraw from the school?
Tuition fees, once paid, cannot be refunded.
Are there any mandatory fees for services such as health insurance, technology, or student services?
No, additional fees other than what is specified in the student portal.
Do you offer any discounts or incentives for families with multiple children attending the school?
No we do not.
Can I request a receipt or confirmation of payment for my tuition fees?
Yes, school will provide receipt against payment , if paid online, can be retrieved from the Student Portal - FIS
Books Uniform
Where can I find the required textbooks for my child?
You need to buy from an outside vendor -
Are there any digital versions or e-books available for the required textbooks?
If available, the school will share as an additional resource in the student portal FIS
Are there any bookstores or online platforms affiliated with the school where I can purchase textbooks?
Purchase of books need to be done @
Can I reserve or pre-order textbooks before the start of the school?
Once the portal is open, school will send communication, you can get ahead with the purchases
How frequently are textbooks updated or revised?
It's done once every 3 years.
Uniform is to be worn every day?
Yes, all grades need to wear uniform everyday, only on specific events /celebrations or the child’s birthday , he/she can wear a colour dress or as specified by the school.
Can you tell me about books and uniforms?
Books and Uniform need to be ordered from outside vendor - online purchase to be done
Extra Curricular Activities
What extracurricular activities are available for students to participate in?
Can I get a list of clubs, teams, and organizations offered at the school?
We have environment club, Cookery club, Astronomy Club, Techno Club, Art Club
How do I sign up for extracurricular activities, and when do they typically start?
Any student when taken admission, will be part of these activities & will start at the beginning of the academic year.
How do I sign up for extracurricular activities, and when do they typically start?
Any student when taken admission, will be part of these activities & will start at the beginning of the academic year.
Are there any tryouts or auditions required for certain extracurricular activities?
Not required.
Are there any fees or costs associated with participating in extracurricular activities?
No additional fees.
Are there any specialized programs or initiatives for students interested in specific fields or hobbies?
Students can be part of the activities designed / planned at the school, individual interest is not possible.
Are there any competitions, events, or performances associated with extracurricular activities?
Students will have House activities for all the activities. Competitions will be conducted house-wise.
How can I get in touch with someone if I have questions or need assistance regarding extracurricular activities?
You can meet the School Admin Team post your concern in Write to School on the Student Portal in FIS
Does the school have a cafeteria?
Yes, We have School Cafeteria
Can I see the menu for the week or month?
Yes, Monthly Lunch menu is updated on the school website
Are there options for students with dietary restrictions or food allergies?
The parent need to mention this to the School admin, however the food served is a well balanced food.
How often does the cafeteria menu change?
Once a month
Can I pre-order meals or request special accommodations in advance?
Can be done, should inform the School admin
How can I pay for meals in the cafeteria?
Can be paid by School app / visiting the school
Can I bring my own lunch to school, or are there restrictions on outside food?
Yes you can send lunch
School ERP
What is the School ERP system used for, and how does it benefit students and parents?
School ERP helps you to connect with the school digitally.
How can I access the School ERP portal or platform?
Login details will be shared after admission confirmation from the school end.
What features are available in the School ERP system?
Attendance. fees, announcements, notice board, homework, e content, academic calendar
Can I view my academic records, including grades, attendance, and exam schedules, through the School ERP?
Yes you can
Are there options for students and parents to communicate with teachers or school administrators through the School ERP?
Yes we have
Can I receive notifications or alerts about important school events, announcements, or deadlines via the School ERP?
Yes you will get
How secure is the School ERP system in terms of protecting personal information and data privacy?
100% secure
Are there any tutorials or guides available to help me navigate and use the School ERP effectively?
Yes, the school will share it you
Can I request assistance or technical support if I encounter any issues or difficulties with the School ERP?
Yes you can reach out to the school / technical dept of the ERP
Communication to School
How can I contact the school administration or staff?
School ERP / Helpline number/ mail / School diary
Can I find the contact information for specific teachers or departments?
You can reach out to them by writing in School diary / School ERP
Are there any designated channels or platforms for communicating with the school, such as email or a messaging system?
School ERP / School Diary
Can I schedule appointments or meetings with teachers or school administrators?
Yes you can do it by School ERP / School Diary / calling the School helpline numbers
How often does the school communicate updates, announcements, or important information to students and parents?
How do I get alerts to stay informed about school events and activities?
By SMS / School ERP/ Student Diary